Modern laminate floors with 4 grooves and a water-resistant top layer. These floors don't just look exceptionally stylish and natural, they are also 100% resistant to surface moisture, which makes cleaning easier than ever!
Wooden Flooring Area:
Stanadrd Area of the floor to be covered with wooden flooring
Skirting Type:
Select Skirting type you would like to be installed
Plain beeding style skirting
2.5/3 in:
Skirting with 2.5 in height
3.5/4 in:
Skirting with 3.5 in height
4 in cap:
Skirting to be applied on top of existing tiles/granite skirting
# of Doors in the Room:
No of doors in the room/Area for wooden flooring
Balcony Door Type:
Select the door type used in the room where the flooring is to be installed
Room Configuration:
Select based on whether the room is furnished or unfurnished